Sales/... Manager user cannot create contacts/customer (v7)
G'day! I've set up a test installation of openERP v7 and I'm running into an access right problem. I have set up the test installation with 1 admin user and 2 normal users. Then I have assigned all...
View ArticleHow to insert to table a list of object (record)?
I wanna insert a lot of record in on time like insert command of sql I wanna ask how to do this in ORM methods. Thank you
View ArticleHow can I get data from the rows being created in a list view before saving?
Is there any way to access to the items beign added in a list view before saving the form and writing them? Scenario: product.product has a o2m relation (packaging field) with product.packaging. If I...
View ArticleHow do I access columns created by openerp in a XML view?
When I try to put a column in my custom module called create_date, i get the following error. return self.execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw or {}) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/osv/",...
View Articlehow do i save a m2m field?
I would like to select and save a group of partners as a many2many field, and then use that field to generate a set of actions. I can get the XML to display and select the partners that i want to save,...
View Articlecreate new customer error,openerp7
hello,when I want to create a new customer,I find as soon as I clich the buttom of create,the system give me a error message as follows: OpenERP Server Error Client Traceback (most recent call last):...
View Articleoverride create method with multiple returns in OpenERP ver 7
I need to do two activities in my activity method. one is need to return value for total_workers field.but need to return ID also because its necessary requirement in OpenERP when we override that...
View ArticleOverride create on model with no create method?
stock.inventory has no create method. If I wanted to auto populate the Inventory Reference field (name) then how would I do this? Super to osv.create somehow? The write method is too late for me - I...
View ArticleNoob question: error creating a new project in v6.1
After creating a new OpenErp v6.1 system, I installed all modules, and went to create a new base for "projects" & "tasks". Truthfully, I don't NEED to set up billing for these projects just yet,...
View ArticleModul for Partner Form, To Display ALL partner Related Email History
Can anybody help in the Search criteria? Need to display all not document related emails, from the partner.
View ArticleHow to set custom context?
Hello, I need a bit of help in a small problem. On my form I have a one2many editable field which must if required create another line with calculated values, like in v7.0 when introducing journal...
View Articleoverwriting methods create/write with one2many object
In the view of the creation of a sale order, i put a number of section for each sale order line (a section allows me to decompose the sale order into multiple parts). When i create the sale order, i...
View ArticleTypeError: pop() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): id = super(sale_order, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context) order_line_ids = self.pool.get('sale.order.line').search(cr, uid, [('order_id', '=', id)],...
View Articlevals for relationship fields (one2many)
i have seen in the doc, for a one2many field : (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary My question is how to link to a new record that NOT...
View ArticleNot possible to create workcenter
I want to create a new workcenter but the field is gray; should I install something extra or have another right and which one?
View ArticleHow to check field to be mandatory on create and write?
I have defined my 2 new fields first_name and last_name for a person-partner. Also when I say that the partner is a company then only name field is mandatory and other two are not.The problem comes...
View Articlehow to use create and write function
hi all , i have add a new class , and it's related with product.product : 'myfield' : fields.one2many('new.field', 'number', 'My field'), , now , i would to override quantité ( qty_available ) with...
View ArticleCreate tasks on SO: Double product name/description
I am using the field 'description_sale' to automatically enter some fixed information about certain products in my SO. This is working well, and our sale orders are a lot less hassle this way. Now, I...
View ArticleWrite method called in the create method
I have created a custom module and i am redefining the create and write methods. When i create a new sale order, the method create is called, but also the write method.. How it is possible ? Thanks def...
View ArticleHow to get the values of an object in the method create ?
Hi, i am writing the create method of a sale order in a custom module. I want to get the order lines of this sale order in my method. How can i do that. I have heard about the "vals" parameters, but i...
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