I have a piece of Python code that redirects the user to another view when he/she clicks a button. The redirecting is done as follows:
view_ref = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'hr_timesheet', 'hr_timesheet_line_tree')
view_id = view_ref and view_ref[1] or False
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': 'Timesheets',
'view_mode': 'tree',
'view_id': view_id,
'res_model': 'hr.analytic.timesheet',
'context': context,
This opens the new view into the current window like this:
![image description](/upfiles/13844286483940514.png)
That works fine, but it would be better if the window opened in an overlay instead. I then added `'target':'new'` to the return statement's dictionary, and the result appears like this:
![image description](/upfiles/13844286308949579.png)
So the overlay opens up, but the create button is missing so you can only access the current rows, not add new ones. Any ideas what could be causing this?